Why Does Healthcare Suck?

• 2:45PM -3:15PM • Workshop Room 1

70% of Americans believe the current healthcare system has failed them. Traditional health insurance plans are not the answer. Join me as I discuss what is wrong with our current healthcare system and what you as a small business owner can do to remove the financial barriers your business and your employees face accessing quality healthcare. Are you ready to join the healthcare revolution?

Presented by:

Harlon Pickett from President, Eagle Care Health Solutions Headshot Photo at Small Business Expo

Harlon Pickett President, Eagle Care Health Solutions

With almost two decades of experience in the healthcare industry as a business consultant and an insurance broker, Harlon Pickett has seen many changes in the insurance and healthcare industries. These changes have rarely been positive and have led to financial barriers preventing many people from having the coverage that meets their needs. As an industry expert, Harlon has championed real change in an industry that is confusing, complex, and corrupt. The long-time host of the radio show "The Health & Wealth Power Hour", now a weekly Podcast of the same name, he has brought attention to the struggles small business owners and individuals have in accessing quality, affordable healthcare.
With almost two decades of experience in the healthcare industry as a business consultant and an insurance broker, Harlon Pickett has seen many changes in the insurance and healthcare industries. These changes have rarely been positive and have led to financial barriers preventing many people from having the coverage that meets their needs. As an industry expert, Harlon has championed real change in an industry that is confusing, complex, and corrupt. The long-time host of the radio show "The Health & Wealth Power Hour", now a weekly Podcast of the same name, he has brought attention to the struggles small business owners and individuals have in accessing quality, affordable healthcare. Harlon leads Eagle Care Health Solutions, the game-changing health solutions-based company that's shaking up the healthcare scene.