Build A Better Business
• 1:00PM - 1:30PM • Workshop Room 2
If your business is an LLC or an Scorp, you're leaving money on the table for the IRS, AND leaving your assets vulnerable. Join Ron Haycock, Sr. Management Accountant, as he shows you how to use tools that the U.S. Government set up for you to both minimize what you pay in taxes, and to protect your assets in ways you may have never dreamed. You don't want to miss this!
Meet Ron, a former Marine Corps Public Relations NCO who served from '68 to '72. After his military service, Ron went on an LDS mission to Japan becoming fluent in Japanese and translated for Japanese nationals. He has since helped 700+ small businesses get started and has bought and sold many businesses and real estate properties. Ron is a Bachelor’s in Business Administration graduate, studied Forensic Auditing at the American College of Forensic Examiners Institute, and is a member of the National Society of Accountants. He has written four books, three on business, and has presented many seminars and classes on business organization. With 43 years of marr
Meet Ron, a former Marine Corps Public Relations NCO who served from '68 to '72. After his military service, Ron went on an LDS mission to Japan becoming fluent in Japanese and translated for Japanese nationals. He has since helped 700+ small businesses get started and has bought and sold many businesses and real estate properties. Ron is a Bachelor’s in Business Administration graduate, studied Forensic Auditing at the American College of Forensic Examiners Institute, and is a member of the National Society of Accountants. He has written four books, three on business, and has presented many seminars and classes on business organization. With 43 years of marriage and nine children, Ron's passion for entrepreneurship and helping others achieve success is a true inspiration.