Adopting Sustainability in Small Businesses
• 11:15AM - 11:45AM • Workshop Room 1
The release of the recent IPCC report indicated that the climate crisis increased exponentially due to CO2 emissions around the globe. This has a major impact on the weather, economy, health, safety of humankind, and biodiversity. We have already noticed the increase in intense hurricanes, wildfires, and other dangerous situations due to pollution and climate change in recent years and months. At his stage, all businesses have a stake to act on this looming dangerous situation as well.
Further, the business financing models and support systems are also changing rapidly because of the commitment of the big banks and other institutions to address the climate crisis.Small businesses are required to understand these developments with the utmost caution because of their financial, human and, knowledge resources to navigate. This presentation would offer ideas to the small businesses to adopt the sustainability mitigating the climate crisis, steering the business activities with less or no pollution along with more employee health safety net, productivity, and profits.