Are you an entrepreneur that works from home 50% of the time and from the office the other 50%? Are your employees working this same schedule? This can be a dream to some and taunting to others, but no matter how your team feels about it, most can agree that sometimes it is difficult to stay motivated and be productive at all times. Here are 7 tips to increase productivity in a 50/50 schedule.
Morning Routine: Establishing a regular time to wake up, eat breakfast, get dressed, and clock in time will help jump start your day whether it’s a work from home day or you are heading into the office.
Organized Work Space: Working in a space of clutter will cause uneasiness, which is why having an organized space is important. If your home desk is in your room, be sure to make your bed in the morning.
To Do Lists: Writing out daily, weekly and even monthly to-do lists online is an easy way to manage tasks from two areas. Make note of what must be done in the office so you can plan accordingly.
Spend Time Outside: You can never go wrong with getting some fresh air. While people were working from home they probably had a nice outdoor space to escape too. Try to provide that for your employees at the office as well or make sure everyone gets out at least once a day.
Utilize Technology: Almost everyone has a smart phone in today’s world and it should be used as an advantage to work operations. Select necessary programs that have apps or are user friendly from a phone or tablet to ease out of office work scenarios.
Schedule Meetings: Checking in with employees or supervisors at least weekly will improve communication between two places. Knowing who is in the office is important to delegate tasks properly so consider a way for people to easily find that information with a schedule or location setting.
Ask for Help: When in doubt, ask for help. Conducting work for 50/50 work schedules can be confusing. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and communicate with co-workers. We’re all in this together.
If you are looking for some ways to increase motivation and productivity, definitely give a few (or even all) of these a try and you’ll start to notice an almost immediate change in your working habits transitioning between two work spaces.